ON a camping trip, a Cub Scout found a frog that said, “Kiss me and I will become a beautiful princess.”    

The boy studied the frog, then put it in his backpack. 

“Hey,” the frog croaked, “how come you didn’t kiss me?” 

The Cub Scout responded, “I’d rather have a talking frog than a princess any day!”


In Your Dreams 

A young woman was taking an afternoon nap. After she woke up, she told her husband, “I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine’s Day. What do you think it means?”

“You’ll know tonight,” he said.

That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it– only to find a book entitled “The Meaning of Dreams.”


All the Right Signals

Two satellite dishes met on a roof, fell in love and got married. Their wedding ceremony wasn’t fancy. The reception, however, was excellent.


Top Economist Valentine’s Day Cards

4. You raise my interest rate thirty basis points without a corresponding drop off in consumer enthusiasm.

3. Let’s raise housing starts together.

2. You stoke the animal spirits of my market.

1. Despite your decade of inflation, I still love you.
